Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about BlueSky? Here are some of the most common ones. If these leave you asking more, feel free to reach out. We love talking to people about BlueSky and their meetings.
- Does BlueSky work with groups that aren’t boards?
Yes, BlueSky works for all kinds of meetings. Boards, committees, workgroups, employee meetings, team meetings, membership meetings, really if it is a meeting that has an agenda, BlueSky is the perfect fit.
- Does BlueSky allow me to control permissions and roles?
Yes, BlueSky allows administrators and meeting organizers to have granular control over permissions and roles within their meetings. You’ll be able to control who see’s your meetings and its contents and what they can do once they are in the meeting.
- Does BlueSky work on mobile devices?
Yes, in fact BlueSky will work on any internet connected device, and will automatically adjust to give you the best experience based on the size of the screen.
- Does BlueSky allow my meeting participants to have their own account?
Yes, in BlueSky each meeting participant, regardless of their role, can have their own account. Each account can have roles and permissions assigned based on their role to allow them access to everything they need access to.
- Does BlueSky limit the number of users in my account?
No, BlueSky has no limit to the number of users in your account. In fact we encourage you to make sure everyone in your meeting has an account of their own by not charging per user account.
- Is BlueSky secure?
BlueSky takes the security of your data seriously. We implement multiple layers of protection by ensuring all of your data is securely transmitted and encrypted, operating on a technology stack that scalable and distributed and ensuring we are complying with the PCI DSS standards with regards to the handling of your credit card information. If you have more specific questions regarding our security practices please reach out to us at
- Is my BlueSky data private?
Yes, if you want your meeting information and data to be private it will remain private. We let you control whether your meeting information is publicly accessible, and whether files attached to your meetings are visible to the public as well.
- Does BlueSky limit the number of meeting groups I can have?
No, BlueSky doesn’t limit the number of meeting groups you can have. Many of our users create meeting groups for different sub-committees for their organization, and we encourage you to use as many or as few meeting groups as you need. BlueSky, unlike many of our competitors, does charge per meeting group though, but we think you’ll find this pricing structure more affordable and flexible.